Here is the blog page listing the most recent posts from If you have an idea for an article you would like me to write especially for you and/or your organization then please contact Dean McAdams via Dean at LegalNoodle dot com. I have learned many secrets of the Universe. I became a Master Mason because I wanted to learn Masonic secrets. I have learned so many secrets of Freemasonry that many high ranking Freemasons don’t even know as many Masonic secrets as I do. There are some Masonic secrets that I am allowed to divulge and some that I must take with me to my grave. Soon I will blog about Masonry however I must wait for the right time. Currently I am only blogging about the body, mind and soul of Culver City, West Los Angeles, Palms, Playa del Rey and the surrounding communities. Currently I am attending Sunday morning worship services at Unity of the Westside but now that the weather is turning so nice it seems like a crime for me to be indoors on Sunday morning. Therefore soon I will continue my walks around La Brea Tar Pits, downtown L.A. and other interesting destinations in the paradise known as Southern California. If you are going to be retired without a lot of money than this is definitely the place to be. I was born in Burbank and raised in Sunland-Tujunga. My mother is that rarest of people who was actually born in Los Angeles. My younger brother moved away from L.A. and though he will probably not admit it, I am sure that he regrets moving to rural Northern California. I have moved away from Los Angeles three or four times and always moved right back. I was always looking for a change in my life without realizing that change only occurs on the inside. So please join me on my journey of self-discovery through this blog.