3. The Body Keeps the Trauma
COMMENTARY AND SYNOPSIS: The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van der Kolk and how trauma damages the ability of people to accept the utter transformation of 12 Step recovery at A.A. meetings. Focusing on a shared history of how trauma damages and victimization alleviates the recovering alcoholics searing sense of isolation, but usually at…
1 & 2 The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk
1. INTRODUCTION: Childhood Trauma Causes Addiction 2. 12 Steps & 12 Traditions: Damaging Emotional Conflicts 3. Trauma Damages Left Brain Speech 4. BIOFEEDBACK: Meditation on Steroids 5. INTEROCEPTION: Traumatic Awareness 6. What Were You Thinking Right Before You Acted Out Your Childhood Trauma? 7. Communication is the Opposite of Trauma 8. ALEXITHYMIA: Inability to Feel…
The Miracle Is Always Right In Front Of Me
My first introduction To A Course In Miracles was in 2004. When I was in recovery at a dual diagnosis treatment center in Malibu my therapist asked me if I was familiar with ACIM. I said yes, I tried to read ACIM but the material was so dense that I was having difficulty comprehending and…
Home Is Where They Have To Take You In
One of the many reasons that I relocated to my neighborhood in West Los Angeles is the Westside Hope Center. You can find me there almost every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the 12:30 pm Narcotics Anonymous meeting. This year the WHC is celebrating is celebrating 75 years of continuous operation. The Westside Hope Center…