The Dean’s List June 2024
This special art exhibition issue of The Dean’s List June 2024 was created as a WordPress blog at in order to provide a better graphic email experience. You cannot paste photographs directly into an email body unless you use some type of advanced application. This edition I wanted to include photos of the recent art exhibition at the Culver City Senior Center.

Culver Cornhole Competition
On Monday, August 5th from 1 PM – 3 PM on the patio the Culver City Senior Center will host the first ever Cornhole Competition. Sign-ups begin July 24th at the Business Desk. This is not your grandfather’s cornholing! This cornholing involves tossing a bean bag into a hole in a game board. That reminds me, here is some erotic artwork by Ron Cohen:

MHZ Choice Promo Code: SUMMER24
Thank you to my CCSC lunch table mate Jan for her many money saving tips this summer. Thanks to Jan, I have just subscribed to foreign language movie streaming service MHZ Choice where I am enjoying Season One (1917) of Babylon Berlin, a fast moving four season police procedure series set in the Weimar Republic. You can even sample it for free with the ubiquitous “Free Trial, just enter your bank card number.”
Jan and others have been waiting for years for Season Four, which has just been released. Thank to this tip I have four seasons of eight episodes each for many hours of quality programing this summer. Here is the really good news: MHZ Choice is only $7.99/per month, but if you enter the promotional code of SUMMER24 the first week is free and then only $5.49 for the first three months. Oy vey, such a deal!

Ask The Retired Litigation Paralegal
Do you have any questions regarding law or digital technology issues? Just ask Dean McAdams, the retired litigation paralegal for free advice. If you need help for anything ranging from setting up your audio visual devices to promoting yourself or your business, I can help.
Are you receiving all rate reduction programs you are eligible for from the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power? Call the LADWP at 800-342-5397, ask the automated system for programs, and then ask for low income & senior programs.
I hope I can see this from my balcony: