Tomorrow I have an appointment with my Beverly Hills cardiologist. He wants to discuss my abnormal heart scan test results after my gated myocardial perfusion PET scan of March 29, 2024. My myocardial perfusion test result indicates definitely abnormal with both reversible and nonreversible defects. I am very happy with Cedars-Sinai and I would heartily recommend this insurance option.

This Abnormal Heart Scan Test Result Blog Was Not Written by AI
Yesterday I used AI to write the first blog for this site and it will probably be one of the last blogs that I use AI for. I am a skilled writer with a very interesting life and so there is no need for me to use AI in this abnormal heart scan blog. Anyone familiar with using AI will immediately be able to discern that this blog was written by a real human being. My experience is my credentials.
ATONEMENT: Rising Above the Level of Mind
Last night I went to my classes at Unity of the Westside. I am taking a metaphysical bible study and A Course in Miracles. I love everyone there and they remind me that the Atonement requires total commitment. The Atonement, At-One-Ment with reality gives me peace of mind. It really does not matter that my coronary arteries are blocked again because I am at one with reality. I have lots of so-called problems in life but I have risen above the level of mind to live by grace and not by law.
My Cardiologist Will Probably Tell Me That I Need Another Stent
When I talk to my cardiologist tomorrow he will probably tell me that I need another stent installed in my blocked and abnormal coronary arteries. I really don’t care and I am no longer stressed about such matters. I am alive thanks to medical science. I have had two emergency operations. Triple by-pass open heart surgery and two stents. In other words, I have already been dead. By the grace of God I woke up in the middle of my near fatal heart attack on December 26, 2014. It happened in Center City Philadelphia and my lover was able to drive me a few blocks to Hahnemann University Hospital. Emergency surgery saved my life that morning. My dad was not so fortunate, he died in his sleep at the age of 79 from his heart attack. The majority of men’s first indication of a heart problem is a fatal heart attack. Dad knew better and he still refused his doctor’s orders to quit smoking. When my cardiologist told me to quit smoking I also failed to comply for a number of years, until I had my second serious heart attack. You know that feeling you get when someone startles you and you say, “Oh, you almost gave me a heart attack”? Those are really little heart attacks that are a sample of what a big heart attack feels like. I have had scores of them, and my last big heart attack was in 2018 from smoking free cigarettes.
Last Cigarette
My last cigarette was smoked in June of 2108 a few miles from Yosemite National Park. I found a half a pack of American Spirit cigarettes in the parking lot of a supermarket. I smoked a few and later that night I had to call 911 because the cigarettes gave me a heart attack. The ambulance took me to Saint Agnes Hospital in Fresno where the very next morning a cardiologist installed two stents. That was my last cigarette. How abnormal.
I have supreme gratitude for each eternal now moment of life because I have already been dead
I have had approximately five near death experiences. There is nothing like experiencing death to give you an appreciation for life. The reason I created this website is to assist in the miraculous personal transformation I am experiencing in this moment. In this moment I live by grace. My only goal is now moment oneness with God, the universe, reality. I do not pray for health or longevity. I only pray and meditate on infinity.