LegalNoodle Has Returned
LegalNoodle has returned because I cannot live without blogging. I deeply regret intentionally letting the old website die. I decided I didn’t want the financial expense or time involved in blogging. I was wrong. Now I am back.
So welcome to the new site also known as Culver City – West Los Angeles: The Heart of Screenland.

Never Give Up The Ship
Never give up. Never give up going to the beach, blogging or being productive. I took these surfing photographs on Monday, May 6, 2024 at the border zone between Dockweiler State Beach and Playa del Rey in Los Angeles, California.
Since I paid $800 for an iPhone 15 I intend to use the camera productively. Original photographs are a great way to boost your search engine optimization. Never give up practicing SEO. It is a rush to see your pages rank at the top of the search engine results.
By-The-Wind Sailors Never Give Up Until They Die

Velella velellas are nicknamed by-the-wind sailors. These little creatures have been washing ashore by the millions in Southern California. They never give up until they are dead and neither will I. Although I haven’t been blogging for a few days because I have been taking care of my heart health. I won’t give up blogging until I am dead.

Shorebirds are my friends
I feel like I have a personal relationship with shore birds, marine mammals and all of the ocean life I see. You can find me at Playa del Rey almost every Friday and Monday morning. The ocean air is one of the main reasons that I live in downtown Culver City where the marine layer does not burn off until late in the day.

The Beach is a Regular Part of My Life
I am in love with the beach. I walk, run and to calisthenics and yoga on the beach. I will never give up the beach, yoga and blogging until the day I die.